Home Starter

This plan has only a minimum of features and webspace. It is recommended for a small company homepage or a small portfolio web site without too many requirements.

Grundpreis 0.66 €
Einrichtungspreis 6.66 €
Domains inklusive 1 (de)
Subdomains Unlimited
Speicherplatz 20
Traffic/Monat inklusive 0.5 GB
Email Postfächer 1
POP3 oder IMAP Ja
Perl & CGI No
MySQL Datenbanken Unlimited
Spam Schutz Inklusive
0.66 € / Month
+ 6.66 € One time setup fee

Details: Home Starter

Home Semi

This plan has all features you need for a Web Site. Support for PHP and CGI/Perl and a MySQL database means you can use it for dynamic content like a Content Managment System, Guestbook or Forum.

Grundpreis 1.50 €
Einrichtungspreis 5.00 €
Domains inklusive 1 (de,com.net)
Subdomains 5
Speicherplatz 100
Traffic/Monat inklusive 1 GB
Email Postfächer 1
POP3 oder IMAP Ja
Perl & CGI Yes
MySQL Datenbanken 1
Spam Schutz Inklusive
1.50 € / Month
+ 5.00 € One time setup fee

Details: Home Semi

Home Premium

Our bigger hosting plan.

Grundpreis 2.50 €
Einrichtungspreis 5.00 €
Domains inklusive 1 (de, com, net, at, ch, be, org)
Subdomains 10
Speicherplatz 200
Traffic/Monat inklusive 2 GB
Email Postfächer 10
POP3 oder IMAP Ja
Perl & CGI Yes
MySQL Datenbanken 3
Spam Schutz Inklusive
2.50 € / Month
+ 5.00 € One time setup fee

Details: Home Premium

Home Professional

Our biggest hosting plan, not only for professionals.

Grundpreis 4.00 €
Einrichtungspreis 4.00 €
Domains inklusive 3 (de, com, net, at, ch, be, org)
Subdomains 40
Speicherplatz 400
Traffic/Monat inklusive 4 GB
Email Postfächer 40
POP3 oder IMAP Ja
Perl & CGI Yes
MySQL Datenbanken 4
Spam Schutz Inklusive
4.00 € / Month
+ 4.00 € One time setup fee

Details: Home Professional